The Erosion of Patience: The Dark Abyss of Instant Gratification in Fitness Culture

Tomasz Deren
3 min readDec 14, 2023

In a world ensnared by the relentless clamor of notifications and the ceaseless scroll of social media, it’s evident that our attention spans have unraveled, leaving patience a rare commodity. The 21st century, with its barrage of bite-sized information and promises of immediate satisfaction, has given rise to an era where impatience is the norm. The gym, road and trail have not been absolved of this ever looming shadow. This erosion of patience, a time honoured universal truth, has crept in and insidiously infected our physical pursuits, steering us away from the steady rhythm of long-term progress in favour of the seductive allure of quick fixes and a promise of instant results.

In the realm of fitness, the signs of our society’s attention deficit disorder are glaring. We have become addicted to the promise of rapid transformations, enticed by shortcuts and instant results. Gyms, once sanctuaries for self-improvement and resilience, have morphed into breeding grounds for the cult of immediate gratification. We must once again pay penance and listen to the echoes of those who came before us as they remind us that the path to genuine strength and resilience lies not in fleeting, rapid gains but in the enduring flame of sustained effort.

The casualties of this war extend beyond the physical; they are etched into the very psyche of those who succumb to the allure of a miracle cure. The need for immediate results breeds frustration and disillusionment, casting a shadow over the genuine joys of physical transformation and a path less travelled. We must once again be reminded that true strength and endurance are forged in the crucible of persistent effort, not in the fleeting spark of momentary triumphs.

Our infatuation with instant results has birthed a generation that views physical prowess as a commodity to be bought and sold on the marketplace, influencers run wild selling the miracle cure to your inadequacy with the swipe of a finger. The dark undertones of this philosophy cast a pall over the fitness landscape, where the joys of an enduring process have been overshadowed by the next great thing. The gym, once a refuge for the disciplined, has transformed into a breeding ground for the disenchanted, where the siren call of instant results drowns out the whispers of incremental progress. As we sacrifice the sanctity of our attention spans on the altar of immediacy, we lose sight of the profound satisfaction that comes from the gradual sculpting of our physical abilities and the psychological benefits that follow suit.

As we confront the stark reality of our attention spans being devoured by the relentless demands of modernity, these words of caution serve as a haunting requiem for a lost era of patience. The gym, once a temple of transformation, has become a sinking ship where the flames of instant gratification threaten to consume the very essence of disciplined training. The time is now to rediscover the virtue of patience and to understand that enduring the long process is the key to unlocking our highest potentials.




Tomasz Deren

Pursuer of Fitness / Co-Founder of Stone City Strength and Wellness / Strength and Conditioning Coordinator at the Royal Military College of Canada